Updated: 01/07/20 | January 7th, 2020
“إلى أين تذهب؟” he asked from the driver’s seat.
“Thingeyri,” I replied. A confused look appeared on the man’s face.
“Thingeyri,” I said again, this time around changing the intonation in my voice.
“Ahh, Thingeyri! Yes, I can take you there!”
Earlier that morning, I’d woken up on one end of Iceland with the goal of heading to the Westfjords, Iceland’s remote northwestern tip that sees few tourists. I’d crossed a stunning bay as I’d took the ferry to Brjánslækur.
From there, I naïvely presumed the bus to Thingeyri would line up with the ferry’s arrival. But, soon after landing, the dockmaster corrected that assumption: there wasn’t a bus until 6:30 p.m.
It was 11 a.m.
Crap, I thought.
I raced to the top of the dock in hopes a automobile would pick me. In Iceland, hitchhiking is common as buses are typically infrequent.
But, as the cars and trucks exited the dock, driving off to complete their journey, none stopped for me. Scores of other people walked toward waiting cars and trucks filled with pals and family and ignored my jutted-out thumb.
Alone, I went into the ferry terminal, ate some soup, and ventured back to the road. To my left was the empty dock and, past that, a vast, tranquil bay that shimmered on this sunny day.
To the right were farms, sheep, and rolling hills. The only sign of human activity was the little red ferry building where, if all else failed, I could stay until the bus came.
And waited some more.
In the distance, a car.
I stuck out my thumb.
As the automobile passed, the driver looked at me but didn’t slow down.
I waited some more.
A few more cars and trucks passed and I stuck out my thumb and put a smile on my face but they too just drove past me.
Thankfully, it was a beautiful, warm, clear day — the first that entire week. The sun shone brilliantly above, and the sheep grazed in the meadows. Google Maps showed a gas station six kilometers away. There was a crossroads there and I’d hoped I’d have better luck there.
As a meandered to my destination, I marveled at how quiet it was. I was used to the loud cacophony of new York City but here I only heard wind and my footsteps. I was in no rush, and the serenity and calm of my surroundings made the long walk bearable. I passed black sand beaches filled with sheep — even they knew to take advantage of the weather.
When I finally made it to the crossroads, I saw a family eating in the picnic area nearby. maybe they would give me a lift. I made sure to look in their direction often. They observed me. walking additionally up the road, I stuck out my thumb.
They too drove past.
Hours passed. cars and trucks came up the main road. I stuck out my thumb but the motorists shrugged, turned on their blinkers, and headed off in the wrong direction.
I was ready to give up, trudge back to the ferry building, and wait for the bus, but then, like an Icelandic angel descending from heaven in a massive steel cage, Stefan stopped his SUV and picked me up.
I got into his automobile and he drove off like speed Racer. The road was in rough condition, opened only a few weeks ago because of a late winter and cold spring. There was still a lot of snow on the ground. “In the winter, this is all snow and you can’t drive here,” he said waving at the land outside the window.
The road counted on gravel as we whizzed through the mountains. I was jostled up and down as we hit a few potholes, and I closed my eyes as we took turns too fast for comfort, hoping he would notice that and slow down.
لم يفعل.
But, for all the discomfort, I couldn’t help but stare agape at the landscape that unfolded before me. around me were melting glaciers, with rivers of clear blue water cutting into the snow.
To my left were substantial valleys where waterfalls fell down mountains into rivers and snows disappeared under the summer sun, leaving the growing grass a bright green. On flatter ground, the water pooled into lakes, and travelers stopped to take pictures.
Stefan and I talked a bit. His lack of English and my lack of Icelandic made long conversations difficult but we shared the basics. He was a fisherman from Reykjavik and married with four kids. “Triplets,” he says giving me a “right, I know” look. He was returning to Thingeyri to prepare for another ten days at sea.
During the journey, he pointed out landmarks and searched for the English word to describe them. I assisted him when I could. I’d poorly repeat the word in Icelandic, Stefan would correct me, and I would fail again.
We drove through the mountains into a thick fog. When we could barely see a meter ahead, he slowed down, taking his time to drive the mountain road. As we crept along, I occasionally glimpsed the snow-covered precipices we would careen over if he wasn’t careful. I was relieved Stefan had finally decided to drive with caution.
As we made our waص أسفل الجبل ، ورفع الضباب وتوجه إلى بلدة صغيرة في المستقبل. “Thingeyri.”
لقد تركني في دار الضيافة وقلنا وداعًا-لقد كان خارج البحر ، وكنت خارج الجبال.
في صباح اليوم التالي استيقظت لرؤية المضيق والجبال ، خالية من ضباب الأمس. وبينما كنت أتجول في جبل ساندفيل ، فكرت في ستيفان واستعداده لمساعدة شخص غريب على جانب الطريق. أينما كان قاربه ، آمل أن يملأها بالأسماك وكان يعلم أنه في مكان ما كان هناك مسافر وحيد ممتن للتجربة.
احصل على دليل الميزانية المتعمق إلى أيسلندا!
هل تريد التخطيط للرحلة المثالية إلى أيسلندا؟ تحقق من دليلي الشامل إلى أيسلندا المكتوبة للمسافرين في الميزانية مثلك! إنه يقطع الزغب الموجود في أدلة أخرى ويصل مباشرة إلى المعلومات العملية التي تحتاجها. ستجد مسارات ونصائح وميزانيات مقترحة وطرق لتوفير المال ، وإيقاف تشغيل الأشياء التي يجب رؤيتها والقيام بها ، والمطاعم المفضلة غير المتطايرة ، والأسواق ، والحانات ، ونصائح النقل ، وأكثر من ذلك بكثير! انقر هنا لمعرفة المزيد واحصل على نسختك اليوم.
احجز رحلتك إلى أيسلندا: النصائح والحيل اللوجستية
احجز رحلتك
استخدم Skyscanner أو Momondo للعثور على رحلة منخفضة التكلفة. إنهما محركي بحث مفضلان لأنهما يبحثون عن مواقع الويب وشركات الطيران في جميع أنحاء العالم حتى تعرف دائمًا أنه لا يوجد حجر دون تغيير. ابدأ مع Skyscanner أولاً لأن لديهم أكبر وصول!
احجز مكان إقامتك
يمكنك حجز بيت الشباب الخاص بك مع HostelWorld لأن لديهم أكبر مخزون وأفضل صفقات. إذا كنت ترغب في البقاء في مكان آخر غير بيت الشباب ، فاستخدم Booking.com لأنها تعيد باستمرار أقل معدلات تكلفة للضيوف والفنادق منخفضة التكلفة.
لا تنس التأمين على السفر
سيحميك تأمين السفر من المرض والإصابة والسرقة والإلغاء. إنها حماية شاملة في حالة حدوث خطأ. لم أذهب أبدًا في رحلة بدونها لأنني اضطررت إلى استخدامها عدة مرات في الماضي. عملي المفضل الذي يقدم أفضل خدمة وقيمة هي:
جناح السلامة (للجميع أقل من 70)
تأمين رحلتي (لأولئك الذين تزيد أعمارهم عن 70)
Medjet (لتغطية الإعادة الإضافية)
تبحث عن أفضل الأعمال لتوفير المال مع؟
تحقق من صفحة الموارد الخاصة بي للحصول على أفضل أعمال لاستخدامها عند السفر. أدرج كل الأشياء التي أستخدمها لتوفير المال عندما أكون على الطريق. سوف يوفرون لك المال عندما تسافر أيضًا.
تريد المزيد من المعلومات حول أيسلندا؟
تأكد من مراجعة دليل الوجهة القوية على أيسلندا للحصول على المزيد من نصائح التخطيط!
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