12 نقطة ساخنة مثلي الجنس في جميع أنحاء العالم

12 نقطة ساخنة مثلي الجنس في جميع أنحاء العالم

تحديث: 11/24/20 | 24 نوفمبر 2020

لقد أضفت عمود LGBTQ إلى موقع الويب لجعله أكثر شمولاً وأتحدث عن القضايا التي تؤثر على بعض أفراد مجتمعنا. في هذا العمود ، نسمع من أصوات في مجتمع LGBTQ حول تجاربهم على الطريق ونصائح السلامة والأحداث والتوصيات الشاملة للمسافرين الآخرين LGBTQ. العودة هذا الشهر هو قائد العمود لدينا ، آدم من travelsofadam.com.

الشيء الرائع في السفر اليوم هو أن الكثير من العالم يمكن الوصول إليه بسهولة ومفتوحة – بغض النظر عن حياتك الجنسية أو هويتك الجنسية. في حين كانت هناك صعودا وهبوطًا في الحركة السياسية للمساواة في مثليه ومثليي الجنس و BI و Trans و Queer (LGBTQ) ، فإن المدن الرئيسية لا تزال توفر أكثر الأمان والودية لأعضاء هذه المجتمعات.

لقد كنت أسافر في جميع أنحاء العالم مع الأخذ في الاعتبار أن عام 2009 وقد قمت بفحص بعض الوجهات الصديقة لشركة LGBTQ الشهيرة على طول الطريق. لقد سارت ورقصت في مسيرات Gay Pride من سيدني إلى ستوكهولم وذهبت إلى مهرجانات الموسيقى أكثر من ذلك بكثير مما كنت أفكر فيه. وكما ذكرنا إطلاق النار في أورلاندو ، فإن الأندية لا تزال أماكن حاسمة للعثور على الثقافة والمجتمع.

العديد من المدن تبختر حقا تاريخ LGBTQ وهوية الغريبة. باستخدام بعض موارد السفر المفضلة لدي LGBTQ ، قمت بتجميع هذه القائمة التي تضم 12 من الوجهات الصديقة للمثليين الرائعة. بالطبع ، هناك الكثير من هذه النقاط الساخنة في جميع أنحاء العالم ، لكن هذه هي المفضلة لدي بسبب تاريخها في النشاط ، وعدد أحداث LGBTQ المتنوعة التي تستضيفها ، وحقيقة أنها مدن رائعة حقًا .

إذا كنت مسافرًا مثليًا أو مثليًا أو ثنائيًا أو عبر أو Queer Traveler في محاولة للعثور على مدينة تحتوي على كل شيء ، تحقق من أحد هذه:

1. مدينة نيويورك

تعد مدينة نيويورك واحدة من أكثر المدن الصديقة للمثليين والثنائية والثنائية في العالم-وليس هناك إنكار أنها مكان خاص للأشخاص الغريب. إنه مسقط رأس حركة حقوق المثليين الحديثة ، التي بدأت في عام 1969 عندما كان ستونوول إن (مرة أخرى) مداهمة من قبل الشرطة ، والجمهور من الداخل والخارج تمرد وأعمال الشغب. يقع Stonewall في The West Village (جزء من Greenwich Village) ، ولا يزال يعمل كبار ونادي اليوم وتم الاعتراف به كمعلم تاريخي وطني ، مع لوحة وتمثال تكريم تاريخها.

Greenwich Village هي موطن للعديد من أماكن LGBTQ الأخرى. على الرغم من أنه من السهل ومرضي بما يكفي للتجول في المنطقة بمفردك ، إلا أن هناك العديد من الرحلات الموجهة التي تختلط التاريخ والحاضر ، بما في ذلك جولات أوسكار وايلد الشهيرة التي تسير على الأجل.

إلى جانب Stonewall ، فإن نوادي قرية مثليي الجنس والاستراحة الأخرى هي Julius ‘Bar (التي تقدم طعامًا منخفض التكلفة ولكن لذيذ) ، موقع أحداث جمعية Mattachine في الماضي والحاضر ؛ والقطع ، والمعروفة بأداء السحب الأسطوري.

هناك أيضًا مشاهد LGBTQ منتشرة في جميع أنحاء المدينة ، مع الكثير من الحانات الموجودة في Hell’s Kitchen (بالقرب من Broadway) ، وتشيلسي ، والقرية الشرقية ، وكذلك البلديات الأخرى ، بما في ذلك في أستوريا (كوينز) وويليامزبرغ (بروكلين).

تشمل المنظمات التي تستضيف بشكل متكرر المناسبات الخاصة LGBTQ متجر الملابس المحايد بين الجنسين ومساحة الحدث The Phluid Project ، ومتحف ليزلي لوهمان للفنون ، ومركز LGBTQ المجتمعي في المدينة. ابحث عن أحداث LGBTQ والأخبار والأشياء الخاصة التي يمكن رؤيتها والقيام بها في صحيفة المثليين في المدينة ، Metrosource.

متى يزور: شهر يونيو هو الشهر الوطني للكبرياء في الولايات المتحدة ، وتستضيف مدينة نيويورك أكبر حدث فخر في البلاد ، دائمًا خلال عطلة نهاية الأسبوع الأخيرة من يونيو. يتدفق ملايين الزوار إلى المدينة للحصول على موكب ينسج عبر مانهاتن (يمر دائمًا من قبل Stonewall Inn الشهير) وينتهي بمهرجان موسيقي في الهواء الطلق في أحد أرصفة المدينة. يعد Halloween أيضًا وقتًا صديقًا له على قدم المساواة للتحقق من مدينة نيويورك ، لأن هناك عرضًا هائلاً هالوين يسير عبر قرية غرينتش. لمحبي الصور المتحركة ، يقام مهرجان نيوفيست كوير السينمائي في أكتوبر.

2. برلين

عاصمة ألمانيا لها مكان خاص في تاريخ المثليين. In the 1920s Weimar era, it was one of Europe’s a lot of liberal cities — home to gaudy cabaret and the site of one of the first gay villages. Today, Berlin’s free-spirited attitude has propelled it to the top of lots of “best of” lists thanks to 24-hour nightlife, a burgeoning art and food scene, and a diverse, international population.

Historically, the gay center of Berlin was around Nollendorfplatz in Schöneberg, an area still popular for its fetish clubs and leather bars, not to mention the legendary Folsom Europe street party each September and a gay history museum. but in today’s Berlin, the new hot spots are found throughout the Kreuzberg and Neukölln neighborhoods, in indie bars and clubs such as SchwuZ, SilverFuture, or Tristeza — all popular spots for drag shows.

Berlin’s legendary nightlife shines through queer parties that are increasingly not just for LGBTQ people — everything from the techno-fueled weekends at Berghain to KitKat Club’s open and accepting fetish atmosphere.

When to visit: check out Berlin during the summer, when the city comes alive with many festivals, open-air parties, and queer events. The annual Christopher street Day parade (Gay Pride) is celebrated by hundreds of thousands of locals and tourists each July.

3. Manchester

While London still holds an crucial place in the UK’s LGBTQ scene, Manchester plays host to a number of the greatest and best queer events in the country. once the home to famous gay hero Alan Turing, Manchester became internationally popular thanks to the 1990s TV series Queer as folk set in and around the city’s gay neighborhood, Canal Street.

Today, Canal street is still filled with bars, clubs, and other gay-owned services — from the pretty and glitzy Richmond Tea rooms to popular nightclubs like G-A-Y and by means of Manchester. The city’s northern Quarter, with its trendy bars, underground rock clubs, and small indie art galleries, has also become a queer-friendly hot spot a little additionally removed from the twinky, tank top–filled Canal Street.

When to visit: Manchester pride each September is the UK’s largest, but other queer events happen year-round, such as the trans-focused sparkle festival in July and the Queer contact arts and theater festival each February.

4. Dallas

Maybe it’s not the first LGBTQ-friendly place you think of in the United States, but Dallas, Texas, has become a hot spot in the past decade. The Oak lawn neighborhood is the epicenter of queer culture there, with lots of gay bars and LGBTQ-owned services on Cedar Springs Road, as well as in the nearby Bishop Arts District.

Legendary nightlife venues like station 4 and the Round-Up Saloon attract big crowds each weekend with their drag shows, square dancing, and other special events. and for those trying to find slightly a lot more offbeat travel adventures, the nearby Wildcatter Ranch is a gay-friendly cowboy resort.

The city of Fort worth (just a 35-minute drive from Dallas if you get really lucky with traffic) is also home to a handful of LGBTQ bars and venues, though without the distinct “gayborhood” you’ll find in Dallas.

When to visit: Dallas pride takes place each September, but the Oak lawn neighborhood also comes alive, full of color and costumes, each Halloween for the annual Oak lawn Halloween block Party.

5. Los Angeles

With its seemingly limitless warm weather, sunshine, and thoroughly manicured population, Los Angeles has been one of the United States’ a lot of gay-friendly cities for a long time. So much so that considering that 1969 there’s been an LGBT center in the city that now boasts it serves a lot more queer people than any other organization in the world. You’ll also find the ONE Archives foundation here, tasked with recording LGBTQ history by preserving historical artifacts, publications, and testimonies.

Then there’s the nightlife, including West Hollywood’s gay clubs and bars, such as crowd favorites The Abbey and Rocco’s. Besides the “gay ghetto” of “WeHo,” Silver Lake is also a popular hot spot. There you’ll find The Black Cat, site of the first documented LGBTQ civil rights demonstration in the us and now a popular brunch hangout. For nightlife in Silver Lake, AKBAR draws the bearded hipster crowd with its small dance parties.

When to visit: The LA pride music festival and Parade takes place each June in West Hollywood, with hundreds of thousands of spectators. but if summertime is too hot, the greatest gay party of the year is the complimentary Halloween Carnival, a street party on Santa Monica Boulevard.

6. Tel Aviv

One of the middle East’s a lot of lively and welcoming cities, Tel Aviv has fashioned itself into a popular LGBTQ travel destination, especially during the summertime. Tel Aviv pride is popular for Europeans and Americans, attracting hundreds of thousands of visitors each June with beach parties, street fairs, and an inclusive parade with celebrity attendees. The Tel Aviv Municipal LGBTQ Center, located in Meir Park, hosts small community events for locals (occasionally in international languages as well).

Hilton beach is the city’s primary gay beach, with men (and occasionally women) spending their days playing beach volleyball or the local favorite sport maktot (a beach version of tennis or ping pong). nearby Frishman beach and all the beachside restaurants, bars, and cafés are very welcoming.

Just down the street from Tel Aviv’s greatest vacationer attraction, the Carmel Market (Shuk HaCarmel), is the popular LGBTQ bar and café Shpagat. operating as a café and small restaurant by day, it turns into a lively bar terrific for dates or occasional dancing (often spilling out onto the sidewalk in front) at night. other bar and nightlife venues include Lima Lima Bar (with a great outdoor space), the hipster Kuli Alma art and club space, and Uganda Bar (which used to be located in Jerusalem).

When to visit: With its party beaches, excellent culinary scene, and rich history, Tel Aviv is one of the hottest cities in the middle East, and as a result it’s often a summer destination. Tel Aviv pride takes place in mid-June annually and is without question the gayest time of year to visit, but the city’s lots of other attractions, temperate climate, and occasional LGBTQ events make it worthwhile checking out in the spring and autumn as well. be mindful of the Jewish high holidays (in September) and spring holidays, which affect opening hours and access to transportation.

7. Buenos Aires

Argentina was the first South American country to legalize same-sex marriage and adoption rights, putting the country at the forefront of LGBTQ equality considering that 2010. The capital Buenos Aires has benefited, with a large and lively queer culture.

The areas of Recoleta, Palermo, and San Telmo are where you’ll find the largest concentration of gay bars and nightlife. Palermo, with trendy bars, cafés, shops, and restaurants in its Soho district, uses a lot of amazing things to see and do — from the Latin pop and drag at Jolie Club (Fiesta Jolie) every Wednesday to the video bar Peuteo Palermo in Soho.

The gay community in Buenos Aires is relatively out and open, but the culture is a lot more suppressed than other over-the-top gay destinations. but you’ll still find LGBTQ life fairly well integrated in society, with lots of tango bars and clubs even using queer tango lessons and dance nights.

When to visit: Buenos Aires pride takes place in November, at the beginning of the southern hemisphere’s summer season.

8. Bangkok

A longtime favorite for LGBTQ tourists, Bangkok has a lot to offer, making it one of Asia’s a lot of popular gay destinations. The fun and friendly gay scene is centered around the Silom neighborhood, specifically the streets known as Soi 2 and Soi 4.

Bangkok’s best gay nightlife is at DJ station every weekend, specifically the midnight drag shows each Friday. Telephone Pub on Soi 4 serves as an early evening hangout with drag shows and pub food, while G.O.D. (Guys on Display) draws the after-hour crowds when all the other gay bars close down for the night (so it’s best after 2 a.m.). Also, look out for gay events at Bangkok’s luxury hotels such as the Sofitel So, which runs regular gay parties on its rooftop bar and pool lounge.

While Thailand hasn’t recognized lots of LGBTQ rights, lots of tourists will find the city surprisingly open-minded. (In summer 2020, though, a bill was introduced to legalize same-sex marriage.) and while you’ll find some seedy sex clubs throughout the city, Bangkok’s legendary shopping and culinary scenes make it equally interesting for travelers with a lot more discerning tastes.

When to visit: one of the greatest and best events in Bangkok is the annual Songkran water festival in April, with the largest circuit party, called gCircuit, in Silom — with all the trappings of every other international circuit party (think: hunky shirtless people and lots of electronic music raging day and night).

9. Stockholm

Famous for cold winters, sunny summers, and trendsetting Swedes all year long, Stockholm has an eclectic mix of art, fashion, culture, and design — and one of Scandinavia’s best queer scenes. Sweden is also one of the most progressive countries in the world when it pertains to queer and women’s rights.

The gay scene is spread throughout the city. From the relaxing Chokladkoppen café (with rainbow flags out front) to the kitschy ABBA Museum, there’s something for everyone. open only during the summer months, the Mälarpaviljongen restaurant (located on a set of floating docks) hosts a number of LGBTQ events, fundraisers, and parties.

When to visit: Stockholm pride each August is the greatest gay event of the year, with big music acts, parties, and public seminars on everything from fetish training to human rights.

10. Madrid

Spain has a long history as an accepting country and is typically considered one of the most gay-friendly in the world. much of Spanish literature, film, and culture includes references to queer life d

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